Hearing Aid Repair & Maintenance

Hearing aids, while technologically advanced, contain intricate components, which may occasionally require repairs – even with the best care plan. Despite proper care, factors such as earwax buildup, moisture, and everyday wear and tear can affect their performance. It’s not uncommon for minor issues to arise over time. Many of these minor repairs can be quickly addressed in our office, while more complex problems might need to be sent to the manufacturer. If your hearing aid isn’t functioning as it should, we can assess the issue and determine the appropriate repair solution at Victory Hearing Care.

Common Hearing Aid Issues

Battery malfunction is a typical issue with hearing aids. It can be a mild issue that prevents a full charge, or a major issue that won’t power on the device. Battery issues can occur when excess earwax hardens and isn’t cleaned off of the hearing aid. The extra debris can end up anywhere where there is an opening or contact for the battery.

Physical damage from drops is more serious, with the results of the damage not always being visible. When a hearing aid seems like it isn’t operating correctly after a drop, then it may need a repair. This is beyond the scope of a home repair and requires professional help from a hearing instrument specialist.

In-Office Repair

These small devices are complex, so a standalone visual inspection won’t reveal the repairs that need to be done. Advanced tools and techniques are used in a comprehensive assessment to pinpoint the exact problem with a hearing aid. Once the issues are found, a full repair can be done. If the repairs are outside the scope of the clinic, the device is sent off to the manufacturer for a full repair. Loaner options are available on a case-by-case basis to fill the void until the original set returns.

Preventative Care

By utilizing preventative care, patients can enjoy the full power of hearing aids without worrying about repairs. Normal cleaning and maintenance minimize the risk of mild or serious damage from long-term use. During routine hearing appointments, a hearing instrument specialist will also check the condition of the hearing aid. Using this home and office method of preventative care has a proven track record of keeping the device in top condition.

A professional hearing aid cleaning involves a thorough inspection and meticulous removal of earwax, debris, and moisture using specialized tools. The hearing instrument specialist will clean the microphone ports, receivers, and tubing, check and clean the battery contacts, clear any vents, and replace wax guards or filters if necessary. Moisture is carefully removed, and the devices are tested for performance. This comprehensive cleaning process ensures your hearing aids function optimally and last longer, allowing you to enjoy clear and reliable hearing.

For wearers that can’t keep up with the normal maintenance, Victory Hearing Care is more than happy to offer ongoing support. Hearing aid wearers are more likely to keep up with their follow-up appointments if they are satisfied with the device’s performance. This is a win for both sides, and a reliable way to keep hearing health support active.